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  • Children and youth from 10 to 18 are welcome to serve as acolytes.

  • Acolytes serve in a variety of capacities, including Crucifers (who carry the cross), or Torch Bearers (who carry the candles in the worship procession)

  • They also assist in setting the table for Holy Eucharist, carry sacraments to the floor station at the rear of the worship space, open and close the brass gates at the altar rail, and help keep worship moving smoothly

  • Most start as a Junior Acolyte, processing the Gospel book at the 10 a.m. service.

  • Once in Middle School, you can assume the responsibility of a Torch Bearer for the 10 a.m. service.

  • Youth are typically ready to serve as Crucifer around the 8th grade and serve until graduation from Senior High.

  • Most acolytes participate in one worship opportunity each month, along with special worship opportunities at Christmas and during Holy Week and Easter

  • Contact the Church Office at 703-777-1124 for more information

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