St. James' Vestry
The Vestry is St. James' governing board, overseeing matters of finance, property, and maintenance for the parish. The congregation elects the vestry, and each member serves a three-year term.
The Senior and Junior Wardens are elected by the Vestry and have additional leadership responsibilities. Vestry members also serve as liaisons with one of the parish’s ministry teams.
Class of 2022-2025
Scott Briles
Kathleen Greenough
Troy Harry
Melissa Sutton
​Class of 2023-2026
Goerge Garlick
Trudy Gross
Candace Hayes
Ray Longo
Class of 2024-2027
Sarah Bauer
Jeff Brannock
Tony McGraw
Tricia Sauer
Scott Briles, Senior Warden
Tony McGraw, Junior Warden
Jane Roth, Register
Stacy Cleveland, Treasurer
Vestry Class of 2025
Scott Briles
Troy Harry
Kathleen Greenough
Melissa Sutton
Vestry Class of 2026
George Garlick
Trudy Gross
Candy Hayes
Ray Longo
Vestry Class of 2027
Sarah Bauer
Tony McGraw
Jeff Brannock
Tricia Sauer